Jesus Martinez Barnetche
He was born in Mexico City, 1971. He studied Medicine at UNAM (1990-1997). He was visitor at Yale University/HHMI (1996-1997). Biomedical Sciences Doctor at UNAM (2003). He has belong to CISEI-INSP since 1998, investigating the immune response at the structural and functional genomic level on vertebrates and vector insects. His mainly interest is the biology of lymphocytes B in particular the heterogeneity of its response, its protection capacity against certain pathogens but not others and how this knowledge can lead us to the development of better vaccines and immunotherapies. For it, his investigation team have developed strategies based on molecular biology, genetic engineering NGS of antibody repertory (Rep-Seq), transcriptomic (RNA-sea) and bioinformatics analysis. He has directed six graduate thesis and five bachelor´s degree thesis. He is National Investigator level II (2018-2022), member of Science Mexican Academy (2014-), member of consult group of basic science and technology of Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) and ex-secretary / treasurer of the Immunology Mexican Society (2012-2014). He received several awards for his research work, the National Award of Investigation Dr. Jorge Rosenkranz (2011), GSK Foundation 2010 and 2015, CANIFARMA 2013, and Recognition to the State Merit of Investigation 2015, Morelos.