Anacelia Ríos
Anacelia Ríos Quiroz did her University studies as Industrial Pharmaceutical Chemist in the Polytechnic National Institute (IPN) of Mexico City. Afterwards, she did her Master studies in Pharmacology in the Centre of Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV-Mexico City) on the field of Bioinorganic Chemistry. In 2012, she started her PhD studies in Pharmaceutical Technology in collaboration with Basel University and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., in Basel-Switzerland. She worked in the field of sub visible protein particles and has become an expert on particle counting characterization techniques. Her research increased the understanding on the applicability of emerging technologies as analytical tools for the pharmaceutical industry and serve as guideline for the implementation of related analytical methods and quality control strategies. After a Post Doc in the field of evaluation of the immunogenicity of protein particles, she joined in January 2016 the Analytical Department of Roche where she leads the Particle Lab unit supporting analytical control strategies for portfolio projects.